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Order Your Translation

Please complete the following form and upload clear photographs (or scans) of the front and back (even if there is no information on it) of your national driving licence, preferably in color and the whole licence (the edge of the driving licence is visible on the photo). If the titles of the fields (i.e. 1. name, 2. first name …) on the photographs of your driving licence are readable, then the quality should be sufficient. The pictures must not exceed 10MB.

Driver’s First Name(s) and Surname exactly like on your driving licence (your full first and last names):

Driver’s Phone Number (starting with the international prefix i.e. +41 without any space):

Contact E-Mail:

Repeat Contact E-Mail:

Day of Birth of the Driver (Day DD):
Month of Birth of the Driver (Month MM):
Year of Birth of the Driver (Year YYYY):

Issuance Date of the national Driver’s Licence (Year/Month/Day like YYYY/MM/DD):

Expiration Date of the national Driver’s Licence (Year/Month/Day like YYYY/MM/DD if available, else leave it empty):

Driving Licence Number:

Issuing Country of the national Driver’s Licence:

Upload here your national driving licence files (max. 2 photos in JPG/JPEG/PDF format for front and back)
On your computer: Hold down the control or cmd key to select two files.
×You have only uploaded one file. Did you include the front and back of your driving licence?

Accepted Images:


Unaccepted Images:


The licence does not fit within the frame and some details are cut out.


The details of the driving licence are blurry and unclear.


The entire licence is too small to read. Make sure that you can read all characters on the image.

Where would you like your licence to be delivered?

Recipient’s Name:

Address Line 1 (Street address, P.O. box, c/o):

Address Line 2 (Optional: Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.):


ZIP/Postal Code:


Country (in Europe or Asia):

Express Delivery within 1-3 weeks for additional EUR 60.00

Please be aware that you have to ask your hotel if they accept letters for you. Your translation will be sent by registered mail. Therefore, some hotels require a written authorization from their guest. Please indicate below the name of the person to whom the booking is issued, as the hotels can only accept letters for this person.

For a delivery to a private address in Japan, you can fill in the fields with this address and enter the connection to the person as the booking number (i.e. father).

Name of your hotel:

Hotel booking on the name (first and last name):

Hotel Address (Street address, city and ZIP code):

Hotel Phone Number (starting with the international prefix):

Date of arrival at your hotel (Year/Month/Day like YYYY/MM/DD):

Departure date from your hotel (Year/Month/Day like YYYY/MM/DD):

Booking number of your hotel reservation:

Date of arrival in Japan (Year/Month/Day like YYYY/MM/DD): You must print the translation within one month starting from the date of your arrival in Japan.

Express Delivery within 1-2 business days (Mon-Fri) for additional EUR 35.00
Voucher Code:

In which currency do you want to pay?

By placing an order, you agree to the general terms and conditions. Moreover, you affirm that all information and submitted documents are complete, truthful, accurate, and original.